Homemade Strawberry Jam

Jam itself is mouthwatering recipe for kids.When we make it at home it is more delicious and healthy.The best time to make homemade jams is when any particular fruit is in season.By making jam at home we can reduce sugars and can add natural preservatives to it.The first jam i tried was apple from a tv show,it was awesome .One day i had lots of strawberries left thinking to prepare something that lasts for long time and should be enjoyed by kids so tried to prepare jam as kids will love them so gave a try same as that of apple it turned out good.
Easy to prepare...Try it & Enjoy!


Strawberries - 16oz
Sugar - 1cup(according to the sweetness of the fruit)
Lemon juice - 1tbsp

1. Wash the strawberries and seperate the hull.

2. Coarsly blend the strawberries for a chunky jam or blend for a smooth texture.

3. Add strawberries, sugar and lime juice into a medium saucepan and mix well and Cook on medium high heat until mixture comes to a boil. Stir frequently.

4.Reduce heat to medium and continue cooking for 20-25 minutes (until all white bubbles disappear). Stir frequently.

5. Remove from heat allow to cook for a few minutes and switch off the stove.

6. While still warm, transfer jam to a clean and dry plastic or glass jar. Allow jam to cool completely before covering and storing in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

Your yummy yummy strawberry jam is ready

Thanq for watching my blog,any comments are appreciated.

This is an entry for the event
Breakfast Club # 11: Berries conducting by simplysensationalfood.com & fussfreeflavours.com

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